I am across an interesting application involving carports the other day. We were invited to a huge graduation party by one of our friends. Now they had a relatively small house, no garage except they had two cheap carports at the end of their driveway for their two cars. There were about a hundred guests invited and I began to wonder where would they fit them all.
A set of cheap carports came to their rescue. What they did was to rent six carports and butted them end to end on their back yard. These were really cheap ones but did not matter, because the space that was made available was more than sufficient to accommodate everyone along with the food and beverages. I was kind of astonished because I had never seen multiple carports being butted against each other and developing such a huge area.
It would have easily cost them hundreds of dollars to hold the function at an outside rental hall and then again there would be no personalization involved in the whole deal. Add to it the costs of insurance, which one usually needs to acquire at these banquet facilities. The concept was such a hit that it became a huge conversation piece and everyone wanted to know where they got it from and how much it cost and so on.
At the end of the function, we all pitched in dismantling all of it and got it loaded on to the rental truck they had gotten and at the end of the day, all was nice, clean and put away! So the next time you are planning a grand party with a large audience, instead of spending your money in renting banquet facilities and such, consider getting some cheap carports and add some personalized flavor to your party!
Multiple cheap carports joined
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